MUID has seven standing committees that are able to take a deep dive into the most important areas of focus for our community.



MUID Committees

In order to further the mission and goals of MUID, we have 7 Standing Committees. Each committee is chaired by a Voting Member.  Other members of the committee can come from general membership of MUID or other individuals outside of MUID interested in the work. 

If you have a community issue that you think MUID should address, contact the committee that most aligns with the topic

  1. PIE - Phillips Indian Educators
    Louise Matson, Chair Beth Seidl, Co-Chair

  2. Family Preservation Committee
    Laura Newton, Chair Sadie Hart, Co-Chair Nina Vongpheth, Co-Chair

  3. Health & Wellness Committee
    Ruth Buffalo, Chair

  4. Public Safety Committee
    Wahbon Spears, Chair Vin Dion, Co-Chair

  5. Opioid/Unsheltered Committee
    Robert Lilligren, Chair Dawn LaRoque, Co-Chair

  6. Native Employment & Economic Development (NEED) Committee
    Joe Hobot, Chair Delema Dionne, Co-Chair

    7. Arts & Culture Committee
    Rhiana Yazzie, Chair Allison Wakau, Co-Chair

Committee Meetings